The Dream Machine - Season 1 Episode 2
Forty-five years ago a few brave souls risked everything to prove that computers were destined for more than just the laboratory.
Ted Withington (network engineer, industry analyst), Paul Ceruzzi (Smithsonian), J. Presper Eckert (ENIAC co-inventor, d.1995), Morris Hansen (former US Census Bureau, d.1990), John Pinkerton (Chief Engineer, LEO, d.1997), Thomas J. Watson, Jr. (Chairman Emeritus, IBM, d.1993), James W. Birkenstock (retired Vice President, IBM, d.2003), Jean Sammet (programming language historian), Dick Davis (retired Senior V.P., Bank of America), Robert Noyce (co-inventor, integrated circuit, d.1990), Gordon Moore (former Chairman of the Board, Intel), Steve Wozniak (Co-founder, Apple)